
Archive for the ‘people’ Category

Segments of a day/segments d’un jour

August 13, 2009 Leave a comment
Waiting for the bus

Waiting for the bus

I haven’t developed the art of telling a story, neither excelled in the usage of the right words, so I prefer to use some images to express myself…therefore this title : Segments!. / Ma mise en mots n’étant pas de qualité, comme mon manquement de piquant dans l’art de raconter une histoire, j’ai recours à  ou aux images…d’où le titre “Segments d’un jour”!

Bébé tout doux

Bébé tout doux

still in bus?

in the bus

still in the bus

still in the bus

long way!

long way!

wait & see

wait & see

up & down

up & down

coffee break

coffee break

coffee time

coffee time

Portraits cachés

Portraits cachés


August 11, 2009 Leave a comment

After hanging loads of necklaces around my neck I did realize that my arms felt “naked”. I missed the piling up, the sounds it made, the jingling and, last but not least, the fact that HE heard me coming (or going)!

I must have a problem, trying to impose myself through a kind of over-charged image, it is true that  you cannot go unnoticed if wear a certain amount of jewelry. The quantity when the quality is poor makes it somehow more original and easy to wear… a personal opinion. I feel at ease hidden under all that ‘junk” sometimes, the funnier it gets the safer I feel. But don’t get me wrong, it is personal and for my comfort among the mass of people…it is not that I want to be noticed, on the contrary usually, but I just have to feel different, faithful to myself, and “all decorated” I am in harmony with myself… weird or a matter of taste?

Here are my last acquisitions, at H&M, looks crowded but feels (and sounds) great! :

In color...

In color...

Too much

don't even count

or in B&W

or in B&W

Un Homme-Age au passe-age à JR…a tribute to JR, french photographer

August 10, 2009 Leave a comment

photographe “rencontré”, à travers ses œuvres, à Arles, aux “Rencontres d’Arles 2009″/ Photographer “met” through his art at “Les Rencontres d’Arles 2009”

in Arles, Ateliers

in Arles, Ateliers

In color??

In color??

Je ne veux pas gâcher son art visuel par mes paroles/ I don’t want to spoil his visual art with my words.

JR a 25 ans et possède la plus grande galerie d’art au monde. Il expose librement dans les rues, attirant l’attention de gens qui ne sont pas les visiteurs habituels des musées….

la suite reste à découvrir / his web site is there to discover!

I could watch it for hours! Prendre son temps et admirer!
I could watch it/her for hours! Prendre mon temps et l’admirer!
En couleur?

En couleur?

This morning’s Page(s) & the odd couple

August 10, 2009 Leave a comment
the odd couple

two days ago, I was walking through the tiny park next to where I live, I noticed a group of three people sitting on the grass. They were gypsies and unfortunately I was so used to see them beg that I was ready to pass avoiding all contact. Suddenly they very kindly said hello, the man and the woman tried to explain me that they were husband and wife and looking for jobs.

I smiled and tried to utter something that sounded stupid, I felt stupid.

Then, the man next to the woman made me a sign, pointing to the camera around my neck and then to his wife and himself… “please take picture together, my wife, please”. How can I refuse, I smiled and took that shot which I discovered later (with my glasses on) was, sweet, better than what I expected and it made me happy. Although their story, the little I knew, was sad I hoped to give them something to keep and that belonged only to them.

I was supposed to see them today, in the same park, but it is raining cats and dogs. I hope I will have the chance to meet them again and give them those photos I printed…he asked for and I promised!

Here they are, aren’t they beautiful? :

An odd couple

An odd couple

In the sky with Leonard…

July 1, 2009 Leave a comment

Listening to Leonard Cohen’s “Live in London”, sounds better every single time, the pleasure is intense, you just want more. The video-film of the concert is even more moving, emotionally more than what I expected and it completes what I missed when I saw him in concert live near Nice last summer… the frustration of just hearing and not seeing has vanished, I just enjoy every instant, second of it now! Memories of that summer night, about the same time last year, come back like flashes, it was like zapping through trees, heads, images just went by till the tip of my toes couldn’t stand it anymore. Now I enjoy the show as if I was there once again but sitting right in the front row this time!

In the sky with Leonard...

In the sky with Leonard...

Categories: 50+, Mode, music, people

being natural

May 6, 2009 2 comments

is one of those things that makes a child so beautiful to watch :



