
Posts Tagged ‘Photography’

Arles still on my mind

August 16, 2009 Leave a comment
Pieces of my memory, bribes of sounds, instants from visits through amazing places used as exhibition halls…some holly places, some plain, nude, old  “abandoned” workshops…

Patchwork from Arles

Patchwork from Arles

but all places had a kind of magical mystery that emanated from them, like a respect for what their walls displayed.Pieces of my memory, bribes of sounds, instants from visits through amazing places used as exhibition halls…some holly places, some plain, nude, old  “abandoned” workshops…but all places had a kind of magical mystery that emanated from them, like a respect for what their walls displayed.

Those (imagical) memories that remained inspired me so after a long time of aridity I managed to put down into images some of the fragments I had photographed.

The patchwork is my method for respecting all that work and trying to share some it cautiously.

My favourites during the :

Willy Ronis
Né en 1910 à Paris. Vit et travaille à Paris
Robert Delpire (editor)
Né en 1928. Vit et travaille à Paris.

Patchwork from Arles

Patchwork from Arles

Duane Michals
Né en 1932. Vit et travaille à New York

& J.R *****

+ so many more!

Un Homme-Age au passe-age à JR…a tribute to JR, french photographer

August 10, 2009 Leave a comment

photographe “rencontré”, à travers ses œuvres, à Arles, aux “Rencontres d’Arles 2009″/ Photographer “met” through his art at “Les Rencontres d’Arles 2009”

in Arles, Ateliers

in Arles, Ateliers

In color??

In color??

Je ne veux pas gâcher son art visuel par mes paroles/ I don’t want to spoil his visual art with my words.

JR a 25 ans et possède la plus grande galerie d’art au monde. Il expose librement dans les rues, attirant l’attention de gens qui ne sont pas les visiteurs habituels des musées….

la suite reste à découvrir / his web site is there to discover!

I could watch it for hours! Prendre son temps et admirer!
I could watch it/her for hours! Prendre mon temps et l’admirer!
En couleur?

En couleur?